Book day 2020
In these complicated times in which we live, where the book is the only friend we can relate to as we always have, the Book Day celebrations are tinged with gratitude towards those pages that are filling up so many empty moments.
1st ESO students have participated in a reading of stories by authors from different periods, such as José de Espronceda, Pío Baroja, Enrique Jardiel Poncela or Javier Marías, selected especially for the occasion to give them the opportunity to expand their vocabulary, to approach different types of texts and to learn to appreciate the art of writing. In 2nd of ESO they did a work that consisted in researching a web page that offers us poems read by a large number of Spanish-speaking writers: Virtual Word. The activity consisted of them researching the page until they found a poem that they liked and then recording their own reading of it and answering the following questions in the same video: Why did you choose this poem; What emotions does it evoke in you, that is, what does it make you feel; Do you feel in any way identified with the poem? All this with the aim of bringing them a little closer to poetry. In 3rd of ESO we have tried that for one day they get into the world of the books and their authors and in virtual groups they have chosen an author or a character to make him a journalistic interview.
In addition, as a tribute to the reading of “Don Quixote” that takes place every year in the Círculo de Bellas Artes and that on this occasion will also be done virtually, we wanted to join this experience with several students from 1st and 3rd grades who have participated voluntarily in the reading of the first paragraph of the immortal work of Miguel de Cervantes.
From Palacio de Granda Department of Spanish Language and Literature, we just want to encourage you to enjoy the books that, now more than ever, are able to take us to all those places and experiences to which we can not access at this time. As Don Quixote said “There is no book so bad that it doesn’t have something good.”
Happy Book Day, everyone!